Purchase Requirements
Council would like to take this opportunity to explain how the VendorPanel program works and its benefits to suppliers and Council.
VendorPanel is simply the name of the program that Council staff use to call for quotes. Within this program, there exists several supplier lists (called panels), which Council staff have access to, which allows staff to be able to call quotes.
There are three panels that are available to Council staff, listed below:
Barcaldine Regional Council Internal List
The Internal List consists of the following supplier lists:
- Wet Hire of Plant – This is a pre-qualified supplier list. Council calls tenders annually for suppliers to be a part of this panel. Suppliers must submit a tender through the relevant channels and once these tenders have been accepted by Council, the supplier is invited to join the panel.
- Dry Hire of Plant – This panel is the same as the Wet Hire Plant Panel.
- Trade Services – At the present, this panel consists of the Suppliers within the Barcaldine Regional Council Area and some surrounding areas that provide a service to Council (Electricians, Plumbers, Builders, Gardening and Cleaning. This is not a pre-qualified supplier list, merely a list of suppliers. It is for services only, not for the supply of products. (eg. Cleaning of carpets is a service, so Council staff would call quotes through this list. However, the purchase of paper towel or cleaning supplies is not a service and therefore staff would use the Marketplace List to call quotes)
These lists are managed by Council and you must be invited to join these lists.
External List
The External List consists of panels created and managed by Local Buy Pty Ltd.
This list consists of only pre-qualified suppliers and as such are available to Council through the VendorPanel program.
You must have tendered through Local Buy Pty Ltd to be eligible to be invited to join any of these lists.
Marketplace has been designed by the creators of the VendorPanel Program to provide a list of suppliers to the users of VendorPanel that may not fit into any of the Internal or External Lists. It is merely a digital yellow pages.
The benefit for suppliers to be on this Panel is that quite often Council staff are not aware of what businesses in our region can supply. By registering to be a part of this list, Council staff can select a category for the product they wish to purchase and it will give them a list of suppliers that they can then select, to request a quote from.
This list is Australia-Wide. However, Council has set it up so that the map feature drills down automatically to the regional council area, from here staff can select all local businesses that may supply this product.
This list is driven by the supplier, in that you as the business owner are responsible for selecting as many or as few categories as you like, to receive quotes. Many small businesses in the area are a one-stop shop for many products, so their business will be listed in many categories in Marketplace.
It is very simple and free to register and Council strongly encourages all suppliers to register. If a supplier is not registered in any of the Supplier Lists within VendorPanel they may not receive quote requests.
How To Register - Marketplace
If you are currently registered in VendorPanel in one of Council's Plant Hire or Trades Services lists, then please register at www.vendorpanel.com.au/Marketplace to ensure your business details are added to the VendorPanel Marketplace system. From here you can select as many categories as you wish to receive quotes for.
If you are new to VendorPanel please follow the procedure below:
- As a supplier, you can register on the VendorPanel Marketplace website, www.vendorpanel.com.au/marketplace
- Choose your business category, enter your name and email. You will then be emailed an invitation to join VendorPanel Marketplace.
- Fill in your business profile and your registration is complete.
- Select the categories that you wish to receive quotes for.
Council will be calling all tenders through VendorPanel Public Tenders and encourages all suppliers to register their interest in the categories and the locations that they wish to receive tenders for.
To register for VendorPanel Public Tenders visit https://www.vendorpanel.com.au/PublicTenders.aspx.
Once you have registered, you will receive notification of any tenders called in the category/categories that you have selected.
If you are having difficulty in registering or have any questions relating to the program or process, please do not hesitate to contact Deanne Balderson at the Barcaldine Administration Office on 07 4651 5600 or deanneb@barc.qld.gov.au.