Waste Collection and Facilities


Alpha Refuse Disposal Site

Persons using the Alpha refuse disposal sites are asked to deposit rubbish over the tip face. The dumping of general household rubbish at the industrial dump site is not permitted. All general garbage, papers, metals, car bodies, trees and tyres should be dumped in the appropriate site.

Garbage collection for the Alpha Township is on Monday of every week.


Jericho Refuse Disposal Site

Persons using the Jericho refuse disposal sites are asked to deposit rubbish over the tip face. The dumping of general household rubbish at the industrial dump site of not permitted. All general garbage, papers, metals, car bodies, trees and tyres should be dumped in the appropriate site.

Garbage collection for the Jericho Township is on Monday of every week.


Barcaldine Refuse Disposal Site

The following information is provided to the public detailing the current rules and regulations for the Barcaldine Shire Refuse Site.

  • The site is for disposing of domestic and commercial refuse only.
  • The burning of refuse is strictly prohibited and offenders could receive an on the spot fine.
  • Interfering or removing waste from the site is prohibited and offenders could receive an on the spot fine.>
  • A person must not remain on the site once they have deposited their refuse.
  • There are separate areas at the refuse tip for specific items i.e. Tree limbs and garden waste, metal, tyres and general waste. An area has now been set aside for batteries. These areas are clearly defined, please use them.

If you have any questions about the management or operation of the Refuse Site, please contact the Barcaldine Regional Council on 07 4651 5600.

Garbage Collection

Residential garbage collection for the Barcaldine Township is on Wednesday of every week.

Businesses, Churches and Schools collection

Business House collections are either on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday. The day will depend on what you have according to your rates e.g. 2 x refuse collections, means 2 bins each week (a - 1 on Monday and 1 on Wednesday; OR b - 1 on Wednesday and 1 on Friday; OR c - 2 on a Monday; OR d – 2 on a Wednesday; OR e – 2 on a Friday).


Aramac Refuse Disposal Site

Open to public unless wet.

Garbage collection for the Aramac Township is on Friday of every week.


Muttaburra Refuse Disposal Site

Open to public unless wet.

Garbage collection for the Muttaburra Township is on Friday of every week.


To help Council maintain a quality service, residents are asked to position their bin correctly for the automatic handling operation (e.g. the handle and wheels of the bin are closest to your house, one metre away from obstacles). Bin should be out ready for collection at 6.00am of the morning of service day and then returned to your yard prior to 6.00pm on the same day. Bins not out by this time may not be collected.

Large bulky items that do not permit the bin lid to close or excessively heavy items should not be placed in the bin as it may not be serviced. Bins that become split and cracked may also not be serviced.

Wheelie Bins

Wheelie bins can be purchased from Council for $96. Bins must be paid for prior to delivery. Wheelie bins have a shelf life of approximately 7 years, after this time they will begin to crack, split and become damaged. Damaged wheelie bins may not be serviced and customers will receive a letter in writing to replace their bin.

You can extend the life of your bin by storing it out of direct sunlight – in a carport etc, regularly washing the inside of the bin and by not over loading it. Wheelie bins are designed to take approximately six bags of household rubbish, loading the bins with lawn clippings, building off cuts etc, will severely shorten the lifespan of your bin.