Mayor Rob Chandler said “Cost of living is continuing to be a barrier of living in the west and this budget looks to balance the needs of Council whilst trying to limit the impact on the community.”The $12.6 million capital program for 2024/2025 is headlined by the revitalisation of Gordon Street Aramac.  This project will include new street scapes, footpaths and enhancement projects in the main street and business hub, breathing new life into this small community. This street revitalisation is expected to cost $1.2 million over two years.

Roads continue to be a priority with Council committing $3 million over the next three years to gravel road resheeting and increasing the rural road maintenance budget to $2.3 million per year. Council will continue the floodway improvement program; rural road sealing program and the finalisation of the flood damage works under the Restoration of Essential Public Assets funding from the Queensland Reconstruction Authority.

The capturing of Council’s future vision, direction and development will be set out in several strategies and planning documents being prepared in 2024/2025. A regional housing strategy will outline a clear future for one of our region’s biggest challenges.

In 2024/2025, general rates and utility charges will rise by 4%. Waste continues to be a major challenge for Council to provide the essential public service, while meeting the legislative requirements. The impact in waste management and collection charges will again be 8%.

Council is 2024/2025 will launch a grants management function which will aid Council, local community groups and businesses to access grant funding. This service will focus on maximising grant funding coming into the Barcaldine Region and upskilling all parties in preparation, planning and management of grant funding. Additionally, this will be complimented by Council’s initiates around its management of assets.

Asset management is essential to long term sustainability and this year Council will finalise the development of asset management plans, review our organisational risk framework, implement a project management framework and review whole of life costs to target this ever-growing challenge.

Finally, a local laws uplift will take steps forward with an education and enforcement program rolling out in 2024/2025.

Mayor Chandler said” This is a responsible budget given the economic conditions we are operating in. A solid financial position will be monitored with watchful tracking of expenditure and maximising of grant revenue. This has been a tough budget, but I feel I offers something for all our communities to be in a better place going forward.

The budget report is available online at or available from Council Offices